Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Classical music, and why you should care about it:

Thier first video was a huge hit, and with good reason. A cello composistion of Smooth Criminal? Your first thought might be, "How is that possible? It must be so boring". WRONG.

Insane! They're rocking out on cellos. A feat I always presumed impossible. And the duo just put out thier second video to boot.

Welcome to the jungle.

My mind = Blown. Awesome right? Right. This kind of thing is what the music industry is really needing I think, at this point. We don't need more hip-hop music with odd base lines, or more techno-whores like Ke$ha. This kind of music is the root of where we get all of ours today, and if a couple guys with cellos can get people to care about classical music again, hell, I'm all for it. 

Plus these guys look totally bad-ass playing cello, another feat which I previously thought impossible.

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